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Zinc-advanced Rice assortment, BRRI Dhan-62

Bangladesh researchers have finished in the arrival of the world's first and new zinc-enhanced rice assortment, BRRI dhan-62, which could be developed in Aman season, has been discharged after a most recent achievement in exploration in the field. It's a brief term high-yielding assortment (HYV) of rice. The BRRI Dhan-62 is fit for battling looseness of the bowels and pneumonia-actuated adolescence passings and hindering.  The exploratory deed accompanies Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) reproducers succeeding in natural stronghold (bio-fortress) of the staple with a standout amongst the most indispensable micronutrients zinc. BRRI dhan-62 is not hereditarily changed rice. The assortment has been produced by hereditarily crossing with neighborhood assortment. 
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