Bangladesh researchers have finished in the arrival of the world's first and new zinc-enhanced rice assortment, BRRI dhan-62, which could be developed in Aman season, has been discharged after a most recent achievement in exploration in the field. It's a brief term high-yielding assortment (HYV) of rice. The BRRI Dhan-62 is fit for battling looseness of the bowels and pneumonia-actuated adolescence passings and hindering. The exploratory deed accompanies Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) reproducers succeeding in natural stronghold (bio-fortress) of the staple with a standout amongst the most indispensable micronutrients zinc. BRRI dhan-62 is not hereditarily changed rice. The assortment has been produced by hereditarily crossing with neighborhood assortment.
Following the initiation of the establishment research directed on-station and effort on connected and versatile nature with a scope of mechanical variables on freshwater, brackishwater and seaside aquaculture; riverine and marine fisheries. The establishment led research on enhanced zones of fisheries and gave the experimental premise of the bundle hones. The FRI BD attempted examination on differentiated territories of fisheries incorporates fish rearing, enhanced fish society administration, improvement strategy issues and bundled a sum of 47 advances for augmentation. Among the recorded advancements 36 are on fish rearing and culture, 6 identified with fisheries administration and lay are on fisheries guidelines and regulations.